The future of Zindagi Tamasha remains unclear

A screening will decide the fate of the postponed film and whether it will release in Pakistan.

By Maheen Sabeeh

Despite multiple screenings before the Central Board of Film Censors (CBFC), the future of Khoosat Films’ postponed film, Zindagi Tamasha is still unclear. Originally scheduled to release on January 24, the film’s release has been moved ahead. Initially, the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), roped in by the federal government to review the film, stated that it is not their function to judge films.

Arif Hassan is essaying one of the protagonists in the film.

But a screening will take place because several screenings including the original one – that cleared the film – apparently weren’t enough. Just days later, it is being reported that certain CII members will be a part of the upcoming screening but a review date of the film is yet to be scheduled.

The vitriol, meanwhile, against Zindagi Tamasha that hasn’t been seen by the public but has so far released two singles, a couple of teasers and one trailer on social media, is getting dangerous and hateful.

The director of the film, Sarmad Khoosat, hasn’t been spared either; he has been receiving equally vitriolic threats. At a meet and greet session in Karachi, Sarmad Khoosat noted, “This idea of what pulls people to the cinema – for me – was shattered when Manto came out. I do feel on behalf of the audience [and] I take offense. Why should they, like me, preset the idea that I have to leave my active grey matter outside?”

Sarmad Sultan Khoosat

“It’s all about experimenting; stories should be gripping enough and I think we somehow discount the audience that they have evolved.”

He reiterated that exposure is not limited to theatres here. “Globally speaking, we have access to all sorts of cinema. The niche is quite big now. TV dramas, I do feel, have clearly helped; the stars that pull the numbers now are all made on television or with their TV careers.”

Producer Kanwal Khoosat reiterated that tolerance is the overarching theme of the film while there are subthemes that are explored within the film.

Sarmad Khoosat noted that the look and feel of the film is giving it a dark tone but a lot of the film is shot in inner Lahore and captures it the way it really is. He reiterated that the intention of the film is not to offend the sensibilities of anyone but to tell a story.

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